October 7, 2010
The Aftermath
India – Life after FBT
We are about half-way through the first tax year in which employers have known the income reporting, tax withholding, and valuation requirements for employees in India. Last year (2009/2010) was quite a scramble, with retroactive updates and guidance being provided late into 2009.
One issue that companies continue to work with is the calculation of FMV, as a Category 1 Merchant Banker valuation is still required for companies not listed on a recognized exchange (Neither NASDAQ nor NYSE are recognized exchanges.). There were several months where it was unclear whether or not Merchant Banker valuations would be required. If your company reported and withheld based on the market value of your stock during the 2009/2010 tax year, you should have adjusted your reporting at this point.
When it comes to Merchant Banker valuations, frequency is still a key consideration (and one that will remain so long as these valuations are required). The regulations state that valuations are only required every 180 days, so it is possible to only value your company’s shares two times a year. However, this may not right for your company, especially if the trading value of the shares has decreased significantly since the most recent valuation.
Double Standard
The difference between the Merchant Banker valuation and the trading value of the stock will remain an ongoing issue regardless of how often your company has a valuation performed. If your stock plan administration software does not permit more than one FMV on a trading date, you may have to provide custom employee communications to accommodate the FMV that was used to calculate income.
Reporting Obligations
Generally speaking, most options and RSU grants in Australia awarded after July 1, 2009 are taxable at vest. There is no withholding obligation for employers, but there is a reporting obligation of Employee Share Scheme (ESS) statements to both the employee and the Australian Tax Office (ATO). They are not unlike the U.S. Section 6039 information statements in theory; presumably they will help employees better understand how to complete their own tax returns and will help the tax authorities determine if income is being properly reported on tax returns, which they will be auditing (See this alert from Deloitte.)
For RSUs, the trading value of the shares at vest may be the FMV for income calculation. However, options are considered an “unlisted right” and might require a valuation method (e.g.; Black Scholes) to determine the market value of the shares on date of the taxable event.
30 Day Rule
One tricky piece of determining the FMV on the taxable date in Australia is the 30 day rule. If an employee sells shares from an RSU vest or option exercise within 30 days of the original taxable event date, then the sale date might be considered the taxable event, provided the company is aware of the sale.
Individual tax returns for the 2009/2010 tax year are due by October 31, 2010. Employees may still be trying to understand the ESS statements provided to them by the company.
Taking Action
Many companies appear to have moved away from granting options in Australia as a result of the reporting obligations. We completed a Quick Survey on this in September; only 20% of respondents were continuing to grant options in Australia, 38% were not granting options to begin with, and a significant 42% were moving to share grants (like RSUs) or some type of cash compensation.