The NASPP Blog

September 11, 2012

Supercharging Your Stock Option Grants

This week, we feature another installment in our series of guest blog entries by NASPP Conference speakers. Today’s entry is written by Bill Dillhoefer of Net Worth Strategies, who will lead the session “Supercharging Your Stock Option Grants.”  10 pts to Bill for successfully using the word “quants” in his entry!

Black Scholes for Fun and Profit
By Bill Dillhoefer of Net Worth Strategies

My company has been providing equity compensation decision support services since 1999 so we have witnessed firsthand a great deal of the development in stock plan participant education. Here’s a brief summary…. The internet bubble (1995 – 2000) instigated many companies to begin offering broad-based employee stock option programs. These companies had to provide participants with basic information about their stock option grants because options were new and mysterious. This was the “Options 101” phase because these communication programs generally avoided the more complex aspects of stock options.

This early phase of participant education may have transitioned into one that addressed advanced topics had it not been for two major factors. First, the internet bubble burst, causing the appeal of stock options to decline because underwater grants were perceived as worthless. Second was the adoption of FAS 123(R), which eventually resulted in the curtailment of broad-based option programs and the increase in popularity of restricted stock/units. Consequently, the adoption of advanced stock option education programs never gained popularity among issuing companies.

Nevertheless, stock options are still a widely used means of granting equity to valued employees. Even if your company isn’t currently granting new stock options, if your employees have outstanding options grants you can significantly increase their perceived value. It is often said that “perception is reality” so by simply educating participants on the Black Scholes value of their grants, this value become a reality. Now you are probably thinking this is crazy because Black Scholes is WAY over their heads and will only serve to confuse and discourage people. On the contrary, learn the secrets and benefits of providing employees with Black Scholes based information by attending “Supercharging Your Stock Option Grants” at the 20th Annual NASPP Conference.

This presentation consists of four sections. Professor Anne Farrell will present academic research showing that individuals misunderstand the full value of their employee stock options and how basic training can significantly change their subjective valuations. Next, I will introduce two time value based metrics: Forfeit Value and the Insight Ratio. These metrics can be incorporated into stock option communication programs and can increase retention and motivation by helping employees make informed decisions. In the third section, Clinton Shoap from Cargill, Inc. will provide examples of how they have successfully used time value information with their employees. Finally, Larry Bohrer from Charles Schwab will describe their approach to helping companies to realize the full potential of their option awards and how complicated concepts can be understood by participants when presented in the right framework.

Who says Black Scholes is only for quants? Delivered in the right manner Black Scholes information can be fun and profitable for employees with stock options. “Supercharging Your Stock Option Grants” should not be missed.

Don’t miss the session “Supercharging Your Stock Option Grants,” presented by Bill Dillhoefer of Net Worth Strategies, Anne Farrel of Miami University, Clinton Shoap of Cargill, and Larry Bohrer of Charles Schwab at the 20th Annual NASPP Conference.