July 15, 2013
NASPP Chapter Meetings
Here’s what’s happening at your local NASPP chapter this week:
Los Angeles: Brad Reynolds of ISP Advisors, Frances Johnston of Royse Law Firm, Marianne Brannock-Hill of FRS Equity Strategies, and Andrea Kagan of KPMG present “Corporate Governance – Keep the Striped Suit at Bay.” (Wednesday, July 17, 1:00 PM)
Ohio: The chapter hosts a half-day meeting featuring two presentations: “Still Crazy After All These Years: Taking the Insanity Out of Mobile Employee Administration” and “Who let the watchdogs out?” (Wednesday, July 17, 10:00 AM)
Boston and Connecticut: The chapters host their 5th annual regional all-day conference, featuring presentations on Section 162(m), the 2013 proxy season, global awards, spin-offs, FICA taxation, and personal career growth. This is a great event; if you are in the area, you should definitely attend. Check out the pics from last year’s program. (Friday, July 19, 8:00 AM)
NY/NJ: Eric Hosken and Kelly Malafis of Partner with Compensation Advisory Partners present “To Request New Shares or Not Request New Shares: The Equity Plan Proposal Decision.” (Friday, July 19, 8:30 AM)