The NASPP Blog

September 26, 2013

More Scenes from the NASPP Conference in DC

What a week it’s been! Our 21st Annual Conference has been one of the best ever. It’s hard to capture all of our amazing conference attendees in just a few photos, but for today’s blog I’ve tried to share a few of the many highlights from the conference so far.

Thumbnail image for Individual Achievement

Congratulations to Bill Dunn of PwC and Paz Dizon of Tesla Motors on their 2013 Individual Achievement Awards!

Thumbnail image for Easi bears

Han Ly of NetApp, Leslie Leach of EASi, and Didi Kindilien of Acorda Therapeutics pose with the adorable EASi teddy bears.

Ask the experts

Some of our many experts from the “Ask the Experts” booth.

SOS Swag

Stock & Option Solutions was giving away RSUs this year…with the option of checking back to see if the value had gone up. If the value went up, RSU holders could trade in their swag for more substantial prizes. Love the idea!

Question of the Week

We took our popular Question of the Week contest live during today’s break. The answers to the questions could be found at the various exhibitor booths. We had a lot of serious contenders!

It’s hard to believe another conference is coming to an end. Next year’s conference will be held in Las Vegas from September 29 – October 2, 2014. Looking forward to it already!