The NASPP Blog

October 3, 2014

More Scenes from the NASPP Conference

Another fabulous NASPP Conference! Here are a few more scenes from Las Vegas:

Alter egosFor the opening keynote, panelists Jiminy Cricket (aka Don Delves of Towers Watson), Johnny Rocco (aka Mike Kesner of Deloitte), The Silver Bullet (aka Jan Koors of Pearl Meyers), Monte Carla (aka Liz Stoudt of Aon Hewitt/Radford), and Compensation Cowboy (aka Barry Sullivan of Semler Brossy Consulting) fought to be the last surviving compensation consultant. Captain Cashbags (aka Broc Romanek of moderated the panel.

Packed roomThe Conference had closed to 1800 attendees! The morning keynote was jam packed!
UBS  boothAttendees relax and enjoy a conversation in the UBS exhibit booth.
Karen MosisKaren Moses of Xoom won a GoPro camera for playing the Networking Game in the Conference app.  Karen is flanked by Dan Coleman of Radford (appropriately dressed in a tux for his role as raffle emcee) and me.  Radford stepped up the raffle drawing process by developing the Monte Carlo Raffletron 2200, which applied the principles of the Monte Carlo simulation to randomly select a raffle winner.
CP discusionThe NASPP hosts an annual luncheon for our Chapter Presidents.  In this year’s luncheon, the presidents enjoyed a lively discussion of the challenges involved in leading a chapter.
Sheila FSheila Frierson of Computershare catches up with a colleague during a break.
I look forward to seeing everyone in San Diego in 2015! Follow the NASPP on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook for more updates on the Conference.

– Barbara