The NASPP Blog

November 19, 2014

NASPP To Do List

Transforming Difficult Relationships
Read Andrea Best’s most recent blog, “Transforming Difficult Relationships on the Job,” in the NASPP’s Career Center.

Light Reading
Here are a few new articles posted to the NASPP website:

To Do List
Here is your NASPP to do list for this week:

Next week is a holiday week, which means we’ll only have one blog entry and Jenn Namazi is planning to post it, making this the last time you’ll hear from me until after Thanksgiving.  There are many things I’m thankful for, just three of which are several weeks’ worth of ideas for blog entries, looking forward to a simpler future under ASC 718, and pecan pie (maybe with vanilla ice cream)! I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

– Barbara