The NASPP Blog

August 17, 2016

NASPP To Do List

Conference Hotel Is Filling Up
Don’t wait any longer to register for the 24th Annual NASPP Conference—the Conference hotel is quickly filling up. Register today while rooms are still available.

Attracting Top Talent
Check out Andrea Best of SOS’s new blog in the NASPP Career Center on four ways to attract top talent. Andrea notes that one of the things top performers look for is to know that they can contribute to the organization:

Expect “A” players to inquire about vision and purpose and how they, with their specific skills and experiences, can contribute to the growth and future of your company.

Read Andrea’s blog to find out the other three things top performers look for in an employer.

What Do You Think ISS’s Policies Should Be?
Did you miss the polls about ISS’s 2017 corporate governance policy in last Thursday’s blog?  There’s still time to tell us what you think!

NASPP To Do List
Here’s your NASPP To Do List for the week: