The NASPP Blog

January 21, 2014

NASPP To Do List

Tip #2 for Submitting a Winning Speaking Proposal
My second tip related to speaking proposals is for issuers. Speaking at the NASPP Conference is a great way to attend and get complimentary registration.  It’s also great for your career because you will establish yourself as a leader in the industry. 

But wait, you ask: “How will my speaking proposal ever get accepted if firms that participate in the Proposal Assistance Program get extra advice and preference (see tip #1)? As an issuer, my company isn’t going to exhibit at the Conference.” Well, you know what they say: “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.”

Issuers can leverage the Proposal Assistance Program by partnering up with the firms that are participating in it. You most certainly have a variety of providers that you work with to manage your stock compensation program.  I’m talking about your attorneys, accountants, compensation consultants, broker, administrator, etc. Think about which of these firms exhibited at last year’s Conference and are eligible to participate in the Proposal Assistance Program.  These firms have an edge in the proposal selection process and their proposals will have even more of an edge if they include a client.  Contact them to see if they need clients for any of their proposals. Many exhibitors tells us that finding clients to serve on their panels is the hardest part of submitting a proposal. Don’t wait to be asked–the squeaky wheel gets the oil, so contact your providers proactively about joining them on a proposal.

Or, even better, offer to submit a joint proposal.  Each firm can submit only three proposals. But a joint proposal you submit on their behalf doesn’t count as one of their three.  The more proposals a firm is on, the more speaking slots they’ll get, so I expect your providers will be appreciative of the offer. And proposals that include Proposal Assistance Program participants receive preference in the proposal selection process, so having one of these firms on your panel gives it an edge.

Submit a speaking proposal today.

NASPP To Do List
Here is your NASPP to do list for this week:

– Barbara