November 11, 2014
Pics from the Roadshow
I recently completed a little roadshow of the Twin Cities, Wisconsin and Chicago chapters. Here are pics from the road:
All of the meetings included an audience-driven presentation in the form of a game, challenge questions, and prizes. I brought some of my homemade jam to give out a prizes; a lot of jam (30 jars between the three meetings) was given away! At the Wisconsin meeting, someone also won the grand prize of a men’s Harley-Davidson jacket. The meetings were all well attended and a lot of fun!
Twin Cities chapter president Donna Bailey Morgan Stanley with Brian Boyd of E*TRADE and Sam Zopfi of Morgan Stanley. Kudos to Donna and the rest of the chapter board for planning a fantastic meeting. There were lots of attendees, including a lot of new faces!
Charlene Lake of Harley-Davidson and Will Thoms of UBS. Will is the Wisconsin chapter president and Charlene is a chapter officer. Kudos to Will and the chapter board for planning a great meeting. The meeting was held at the Harley-Davidson Museum and set a record for the most number of attendees EVER for the chapter. I’d like to think I was the draw, but I suspect it was the museum. A big thank-you to Charlene for arranging for the meeting and the tour of the museum for the chapter board.
After the meeting, chapter board members got a private tour of the museum, led by Billie Davidson, great grandson of Harley-Davidson co-founder William Davidson. And during the tour, Billie’s father, Willie Davidson just happened to walk by. This is just one example of the sort of benefits you can enjoy by getting involved with your local chapter–consider volunteering today!
Here the board members and I have a little fun.
The last stop on the roadshow was Chicago. You can see we had a great turnout; the most I’ve ever seen at a Chicago chapter meeting!
Susan Daley of Perkins Coie and president of the Chicago chapter. Thanks to Susan for accommodating my schedule and for having the idea to make the meeting a double-presentation with lunch, so that we’d have a great turnout even on a Monday!
See mores pics of the Twin Cities, Wisconsin, and Chicago chapter meetings on the NASPP’s Facebook page.
– Barbara