The NASPP Blog

Category Archives: Speaking Proposal Tips

February 24, 2016

NASPP To Do List

Tip #4 to Submit a Success Speaking Proposal: Be Timely
My last tip for submitting a winning speaking proposal is to submit your proposal on time. I’ll be honest; we look at this as a test. If you can’t submit your speaking proposal on time, it indicates to us that you probably aren’t going to meet any of the other speaker deadlines either.  We have close to 200 speakers at the Conference, so it’s critical that our speakers be responsible about meeting their deadlines with minimal prompting from us.  Don’t bother asking for an extension; if you can’t get your speaking proposal in on time, this probably isn’t the year for you to speak.

Speaking proposals for the 24th Annual NASPP Conference can be submitted online and will be accepted through Friday, February 26. Check out my podcast of other tips for submitting a successful proposal.

Don’t Miss Your Chance to Save on the Online Fundamentals
Taught by the industry’s leading experts, the NASPP’s acclaimed online program, “Stock Plan Fundamentals,” is the definitive training program for stock plan professionals, covering both the regulatory framework and day-to-day administrative procedures key to overseeing stock plans. Don’t wait to register—the early-bird rate is only available through this Friday, February 26.

NASPP To Do List
Here’s your NASPP To Do List for the week:

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February 17, 2016

NASPP To Do List

Tip #3 to Submit a Success Speaking Proposal: Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute
Things always go wrong at the worst possible moment—like when you are rushing to submit your speaking proposal at the last possible minute before heading out for your Friday evening plans.  Give yourself a little extra time; submit your proposals before the last day, so that you have time to address any unexpected hiccups before the deadline.

The NASPP is now accepting speaking proposals for the 24th Annual NASPP Conference. Proposals can be submitted online and will be accepted through Friday, February 26. Check out ten more tips for submitting a successful proposal.

Don’t Miss Your Chance to Save on the Online Fundamentals
Taught by the industry’s leading experts, the NASPP’s acclaimed online program, “Stock Plan Fundamentals,” is the definitive training program for stock plan professionals, covering both the regulatory framework and day-to-day administrative procedures key to overseeing stock plans. Don’t wait to register—the early-bird rate is only available until February 26.

NASPP To Do List
Here’s your NASPP To Do List for the week:

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February 11, 2016

NASPP To Do List

Submit a Speaking Proposal for the 24th Annual NASPP Conference
The NASPP is now accepting speaking proposals for the 24th Annual NASPP Conference. Proposals can be submitted online and will be accepted through Friday, February 26.

Tip #2 to Submit a Success Speaking Proposal: Many Egg and Many Baskets
Don’t underestimate your competition.  We get around 150 proposals for about 40 sessions—the odds are against you. They are especially against you if you leave it to the last minute and submit a half-completed idea.  The submitters of winning proposals have already started thinking about speaking topics, are asking their colleagues to help refine their ideas and join their panel, and are looking for clients to serve as case studies.  Make sure you submit a well thought out proposal that succinctly but clearly describes (and sells) your idea, that includes a well-rounded panel of speakers, and that stands out from the competition.  Look for topics that are unique—that haven’t been presented before or that provide a new perspective.

Check out ten more tips for submitting a successful proposal.

NASPP To Do List
Here’s your NASPP To Do List for the week:

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