November 15, 2012
San Diego Chapter Meeting
Robyn Shutak, the NASPP’s Education Director, and I presented at the San Diego NASPP chapter meeting on Tuesday. The topic was “Top Ten Tips for Year-End Reporting” and we presented it in an audience-driven, interactive format. The meeting was held at the beautiful Illumina campus and the weather was sunny and warm. It was a great meeting; here are a few pictures:
James Tozer of E*TRADE Financial. James is the San Diego chapter president and gets credit for organizing a great meeting (not too mention running a great chapter)!
Lisa Murzic, Ginny Bicking, and Cathy Piccus can be confident that they have excellent year-end procedures. Qualcomm was the high scorer in the “rate yourself” portion of the presentation, with over 30 pts!
Nancy Dartez of Prometheus Laboratories has been a long-time member of the NASPP and attendee at San Diego chapter meetings.
Amber Van Winkle of Jack in the Box and Anne-Celine Woelk of The Active Network. Amber is new to stock plans but did great on her challenge question. Anne-Celine won a jar of jam when I last spoke in San Diego.
Attendees that answered the challenge questions correctly or that were high scorers in the “rate yourself” portion of the presentation took home a chocolate bar.