The NASPP Blog

November 15, 2012

San Diego Chapter Meeting

Robyn Shutak, the NASPP’s Education Director, and I presented at the San Diego NASPP chapter meeting on Tuesday. The topic was “Top Ten Tips for Year-End Reporting” and we presented it in an audience-driven, interactive format. The meeting was held at the beautiful Illumina campus and the weather was sunny and warm. It was a great meeting; here are a few pictures:


James Tozer of E*TRADE Financial. James is the San Diego chapter president and gets credit for organizing a great meeting (not too mention running a great chapter)!


Lisa Murzic, Ginny Bicking, and Cathy Piccus can be confident that they have excellent year-end procedures. Qualcomm was the high scorer in the “rate yourself” portion of the presentation, with over 30 pts!


Nancy Dartez of Prometheus Laboratories has been a long-time member of the NASPP and attendee at San Diego chapter meetings.

Amber and Anne-Celine.JPG

Amber Van Winkle of Jack in the Box and Anne-Celine Woelk of The Active Network. Amber is new to stock plans but did great on her challenge question. Anne-Celine won a jar of jam when I last spoke in San Diego.

Jeannette.JPGPeople came from far and wide to attend! Well, one person, Jeannette Wheeler of OptionEase, came from Orange County. Jeannette is president of the NASPP’s Orange County chapter.
chocolate.JPGChocolate was involved!

Attendees that answered the challenge questions correctly or that were high scorers in the “rate yourself” portion of the presentation took home a chocolate bar.

See all the pictures from the chapter meeting on the NASPP Facebook page.
– Barbara