October 15, 2009
New on the NASPP Site
We have a lot of great new content on our NASPP site! I want to take the opportunity this week to let you know about some of the new features.
First, we have a new Quick Survey out on Global Stock Plans. Don’t forget to take a moment and complete this survey! It’s your opportunity to find out how other companies are dealing with some of the more difficult issues with global stock plans.
New Portals:
The NASPP portals provide a way to find consolidated information on the issues that matter most in stock plan management. Today, we have 26 portals listed; expect to see more in the future! You can access the NASPP portals from the list on the lower left side of the homepage, or through the drop-down menu on the navigation bar at the top of the site. The newest additions to our list of portals are:
Incentive Stock Options: Need a quick reference on the grant requirements for ISOs? Want to find the latest on Section 6039 Information Statements? The Incentive Stock Options portal not only has the comprehensive NASPP article on ISOs, it has final ISO regulations, articles, surveys, and sample documents.
Say on Pay: The Treasury, Congress, and the SEC have all proposed some form of say on pay requirements for companies. Our new Say on Pay Portal contains the proposed regulations along with memos and analysis on each. You can also find sample proxy statements from companies that have already taken steps to add a shareholder vote on compensation practices.
Surveys & Studies: I’m sure you all know that the NASPP publishes all Quick Survey, Stock Plan Design and Administration Survey, and Salary Survey results in the Surveys section of the Member Area drop-down menu on the navigation bar. But, did you know that we also have available comprehensive surveys and studies conducted by some of the best names in the industry? We’ve put them all together for you in our new Surveys & Studies portal. We’ve arranged this portal in a three-tab format so that you can find the study or survey you’re looking for by topic, year produced, or by the company publishing the information.
Updated Portals:
In addition to adding new portals, we’ve also gone back and reorganized some of our existing ones so that new developments and content are easier to find. Check out the updated 409A/Deferred Compensation portals and Executive Compensation Disclosures portal!
New content:
Our latest alerts on stock plan management practices, legislative and regulatory development, and global stock plans are always available on the NASPP homepage as well the corresponding portal. These are a few of the most recent additions:
New Practice Alerts
Relative TSR Plans: The Low-Hanging Fruit of Optimal Performance-Based Equity Design – Radford (9/09)
Relative TSR Plans: Valuation 101 – Radford (9/09)
New Legislative and Regulatory Development Alerts
FASB Launches New Accounting Standards Codification
Back-Dated Options Not Performance-Based Compensation Under Section 162(m)
New International Alerts
There have been a lot of changes in global stock plan management. Don’t get left behind; sign up to have the latest alerts from specific countries send directly to your e-mail. In the past month alone, we’ve posted multiple alerts on Australia, the European Union, Portugal, Ireland, India and China. Don’t forget that you can search our global stock plan alert archives by country.
We’re not done, yet! You won’t want to miss out on what we have in store for next year. Renew your NASPP membership for 2010. If you aren’t an NASPP member, take advantage of our special offer and join today!