March 20, 2012
Hot or Not?
I have something a little different for today’s blog entry. I’m currently mired in evaluating the 150+ speaking proposals we received for the 20th Annual NASPP Conference. There are definitely a lot of fabulous ideas that I’m sure we’re going to want to include in the program–no question about it. But there are also a few ideas that I’m just not sure about–are they hot or not? So today we’re going to play the “Hot or Not” game. I’ve created a short survey listing the topic ideas that I’m not sure about below; your job is to select the topics you would attend a panel on.
Hot or Not?
Round 1: US Topics
Stay tuned next week, when we’ll play round 2, focusing on global topics.
NASPP “To Do” List
We have so much going on here at the NASPP that it can be hard to keep track of it all, so we keep an ongoing “to do” list for you here in our blog.
- Register for the NASPP’s newly updated online Stock Plan Fundamentals program.
- Register for the 20th Annual NASPP Conference in New Orleans. The early-bird rate is only available until April 13.
- Complete the Compliance-O-Meter quiz on Domestic Tax Withholding Procedures.
- Check out the NASPP’s Facebook and Twitter pages.
- Renew your NASPP membership for 2012 (if you aren’t an NASPP member, join today).
- Attend your local NASPP chapter meetings in Chicago, Connecticut, and the Twin Cities.
– Barbara