October 9, 2012
Scenes from the NASPP Conference
I’m blogging today from the 20th Annual NASPP Conference in New Orleans, so for my entry, I feature a few scenes from the Conference.
To celebrate our 20th anniversary, the NASPP presented a set of embossed luggage tags to each and every attendee. Here I feature a side-by-side comparison of the luggage tags we gave out today to those we gave out in the ’90’s. The luggage tags have definitely gotten nicer.
Art Meyers of Choate Hall & Stewart and Shirley Luftman of SUPERVALU. Art and Shirley are both members of the Executive Advisory Committee. Shirley is also an NASPP Regional Representative.
The Radford team in their black Scholes jerseys. Get it, “black Scholes”? It’s an actuary-soccer thing.
David Katzoff of Local.com and Rob Lindberg of Liquidnet. Only a half-day into the Conference when this photo was taken and David told me he already had some great takeaways!
Karen Moses of Xoom, Inta Abele and Crispin Hanshaw of Schwab, and Barbara Baksa of the NASPP chat during the opening reception.