The NASPP Blog

June 25, 2013

Silicon Valley Chapter All-Day

Last Friday, the Silicon Valley NASPP chapter held their annual all-day conference. Year after year, this is consistently a great event. For today’s blog entry, I feature a few pictures from this year’s conference.

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The day started off with a keynote presented by Mike Albert of Fidelity, Aaron Boyd of Equilar, and Stacey Lombardi of Allergan on “The New Normal? Executive Shareholding Requirements.” You can see that they had a full house.

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For the second keynote of the day, Jon Burg of Radford, Donna Hammer of Yelp, and Dan Walter of Performensation presented their answer to MythBusters: “The Truth about ESPPs – 10 Employee Stock Purchase Plan Myths and Facts.” This slide busts the myth that other types of plans (e.g., 409(k), RSUs) can provide the same benefits as ESPPs.

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There was lots of traffic through the exhibit hall all day. Here attendees mingle during breakfast.

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I presented with Elizabeth Dodge of Stock & Option Solutions and Carrie Kovac of Symantec on “Alphabet Soup: 10-K, 10-Q, S-K, Where Does Your Stock Plan Info Go? And Why Should You Care?” Hopefully our audience had as much fun watching the presentation as we did presenting it.

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Stock & Option Solutions gave out these nifty “boogie bots” at their table in the exhibit hall. They are even cooler in action: see the video. And, yes, I am aware that photographing a red robot toy on a red background is not my best moment as a photographer.

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Neta Pyasi of Solium, Ken Scully of Facebook, and Sinead Kelly of Baker & McKenzie presented “Out-of-this-world Practical and Technological Tips for Managing Your Mobile Employees.” Here, Ken and Sinead answer questions from the audience afterwards.


A big thank-you to the sponsors for the event.

Kudos to Inta Abele of Schwab, the Silicon Valley chapter president, and the rest of the chapter board for hosting a great event again this year!

– Barbara