The NASPP Blog

December 24, 2013

More Holiday Fun

As I’ve mentioned before, one of the things I like about stock compensation is that I get to use a lot of fancy words.  Around this time last year, I posted a blog entry (“Holiday Fun,” December 18, 2012) with suggestions on how to fit some of these words into casual conversation with family and friends over the holiday season.  Today I have a few more examples for you:

  • Purview:  Dishwashing is outside my purview.
  • Mitigate: If we upgrade to LED lights, perhaps that will mitigate the problems we are having with burnt-out bulbs.
  • Implicate: Bad behavior at this point could implicate a negative report to Santa from the Elf-on-the-Shelf.
  • Substantive (AND Perceived Value–a twofer!): The amount of money spent on a gift is not always substantive to the perceived value assigned to the gift by the recipient. 
  • Remuneration: If I were Santa, I think I’d want remuneration in the form of wine and chocolate, rather than milk and cookies.

What are your favorite stock compensation terms?  10 points to anyone who emails me a favorite word with an example of how to use it correctly in a non-work context. 

Holiday Chapter Meetings
Here are a few scenes from NASPP chapter holiday events:


The Seattle chapter held their holiday event at Nordstrom, giving attendees a chance to learn about stock compensation and get their Christmas shopping done at the same time. In this picture, chapter president Scott Sander of and chapter treasurer Aftab Ibrahim of T-Mobile chat with an attendee at the meeting.


Chapters often host appreciation events for their board members around this time of year. Here the Philadelphia chapter board enjoys a holiday lunch.

Orange County

The Orange County chapter hosted a holiday social. In this picture, attendees mingle before dinner.

View more pictures on the NASPP’s Facebook page.  I hope you all have a great holiday!
– Barbara