January 8, 2014
NASPP To Do List
Broc Romanek Encounters a Real Wolf of Wall Street
Back when he worked for the SEC, Broc Romanek, editor of CompensationStandards.com, was pitched to by a broker in a boiler room operation. Check it out; it’s pretty amusing.
NASPP To Do List
Here is your last NASPP to do list of 2013:
- Take our newest Compliance-O-Meter quiz on Stock Plan Litigation.
- Read Andrea Best’s newest blog in the NASPP Career Center, “Working from Your Core: Step Two, Value Selection.”
- Sign up for the NASPP’s acclaimed online Stock Plan Fundamentals course which will be offered next spring. This course is a great introduction to stock plan administration; register by February 14, 2014 for the early-bird rate.
- Save the date for the 22nd Annual NASPP Conference: September 29-October 2, 2014 at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas.
- Order the audio from the 21st Annual NASPP Conference. Just $65 per session for NASPP members–less per session if you purchase a multi-session package.
- Check out all the new member profiles we’ve posted and post your own profile today.
- Take this week’s Question of the Week Challenge.
- Renew your NASPP membership for 2014 (if you aren’t an NASPP member, join today).
- Check out the NASPP’s newest venture into social media: our LinkedIn page.
- Check out the NASPP’s Facebook and Twitter pages.
– Barbara