February 5, 2014
NASPP To Do List
Tip #4 for Submitting a Winning Speaking Proposal
Don’t underestimate your competition. We get around 150 proposals for about 40 sessions–the odds are against you. They are especially against you if you leave it to the last minute and submit some half-completed idea of a speaking topic. The submitters of winning proposals have already started thinking about speaking topics, are asking their colleagues to help refine their ideas and join their panel, and are looking for clients to serve as case studies. Make sure you submit a well thought out proposal that succinctly but clearly describes (and sells) your idea, that includes a well-rounded panel of speakers, and that stands out from the competition. Look for topics that are unique–that haven’t been presented before or that provide a new perspective.
Submit a speaking proposal today.
NASPP To Do List
Here is your NASPP to do list for this week:
- Check out Andrea Best’s newest blog in the in the NASPP Career Center, “Working from Your Core: Step 4, Perfecting.”
- Take our newest Compliance-O-Meter quiz on Section 6039.
- Submit a speaking proposal for the 22nd Annual NASPP Conference.
- Check out our new Equity Expert podcast series in the NASPP Career Center.
- Take this week’s Question of the Week Challenge.
- Sign up for the NASPP’s acclaimed online Stock Plan Fundamentals course which will be offered this spring. This course is a great introduction to stock plan administration; register by February 14, 2014 for the early-bird rate.
- Register for the 22nd Annual NASPP Conference. The Conference will be held from September 29-October 2, 2014 at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. Don’t wait–the early-bird rate is only available until March 14.
- Renew your NASPP membership for 2014 (if you aren’t an NASPP member, join today).
- Check out the NASPP’s LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter pages.
– Barbara