Here’s what’s happening at your local NASPP chapter this week:
Sacramento: The chapter hosts a presentation titled “The Treatment of Equity Awards Upon Termination.” (Tuesday, February 11, 11:00 AM).
Dallas: J.D. Ivy and Rob Casburn of Alvarez & Marsal Taxand present “What’s Trending in Equity Compensation.” (Wednesday, February 12, 11:00 AM)
Ohio: One meeting; two presentations! David Yang of Frederic W. Cook & Co. and Dan Kapinos of Radford present “Relative TSR Plans: Get Ahead of the Curve” and Mike Palermo of Fidelity Stock Plan Services and Dan Kapinos of Radford present “Walking the Tightrope: Minimizing Expense without Reducing Perceived Value.” (Thursday, February 13, 9:00 AM)
Tags: NASPP chapter meetings
Last week I blogged about the SEC’s agenda for this year, which includes a heavy focus on continued enforcement actions. While this is certainly one area on our radars, I’m reminded that there are other areas of “action” that could cast scrutiny on our practices. One such area is litigation. A few months ago, I blogged about one type of litigation that had taken hold – the shareholder driven lawsuits that challenged proxy disclosures. What I didn’t explore was all of the other areas where we’ve seen “action” in the form of enforcement or litigation. In today’s blog I’ll explore other areas (including some you may not have thought about) that have been the subject of a lawsuit.
I had a great aid in preparing this blog. Thanks to Executive Pay and Loyalty, I was able to access a “cheat sheet” that literally organizes stock award litigation by topic, complete with corresponding court cases. The full document is available on our web site.
Litigation Lessons Learned
What lessons have been learned from litigation in recent years? Here are a few of them:
Termination of Employment: This is a sensitive area, one that I’m betting is ripe for litigation. Not so much because an employee is terminated (that’s more of an HR concern), but if the employee misses the opportunity to exercise vested in-the-money stock options, they may come forward wanting restitution or compensation. The filing of a lawsuit doesn’t automatically make it a valid claim, or mean that the company will lose. We are reminded that sometimes there are “nuisance” cases – particularly if an employee simply “missed” the key pieces of information that would explain post termination provisions. Whether or not the claim is a solid one, any litigation takes time, money and focus away from more constructive activities. I see a couple of ways to minimize litigation opportunities in this situation – one is an “auto-exercise” of the vested stock option (See my recent blog on “The Case for Auto-Exercise”, January 16, 2014); another is to proactively send terminated employees the key documents that remind them of post employment provisions.
Defining Plan Terms: The more defined your plan terms are, the better. According to Executive Pay and Loyalty, it is better to have a longer plan document with explicit definitions than not. Litigation involving ambiguities is likely to be resolved against the employer. If you’re seeing a plan provision that is repeatedly the subject of questions or challenge from employees, this may be something to raise to your legal counsel to see if further clarification is needed.
Option Expiration During Blackout Period: The cheat sheet I mentioned suggests that employers be wary of stock options that expire during a blackout period. It is a best practice for plans to expressly address this in order to avoid angering employees and former employees who lose value due to a black-out period that interferes with their final time to exercise a stock option. I have actually seen several plan documents that are silent on this issue, so if your plan is up for amendment or overhaul, this may be a good area to document a defined practice. If it’s not in the plan document, at minimum identify a consistent approach or procedure for options expiring during a blackout and communicate it to employees in writing.
The Bottom Line
All of the issues described above have been the subject of court cases, and the suggestions I outlined are based on the result of those lawsuits. For more information on specific cases and a list of the other areas affected by litigation (including 162(m), and director compensation), check out the full Stock Plan and Award Litigation: Risk Management Checklist I mentioned as the basis for this blog.
We know we’re entrenched in a world that is highly regulated, scrutinized, audited and evaluated. The more we evolve our practices to be preventative, the better equipped we’ll be to stand up to investigations, enforcement actions, lawsuits and other nuisances.
Tags: enforcement, lawsuits, litigation, option expiration, plan terms, stock plan litigation, termination
Tip #4 for Submitting a Winning Speaking Proposal
Don’t underestimate your competition. We get around 150 proposals for about 40 sessions–the odds are against you. They are especially against you if you leave it to the last minute and submit some half-completed idea of a speaking topic. The submitters of winning proposals have already started thinking about speaking topics, are asking their colleagues to help refine their ideas and join their panel, and are looking for clients to serve as case studies. Make sure you submit a well thought out proposal that succinctly but clearly describes (and sells) your idea, that includes a well-rounded panel of speakers, and that stands out from the competition. Look for topics that are unique–that haven’t been presented before or that provide a new perspective.
Submit a speaking proposal today.
NASPP To Do List
Here is your NASPP to do list for this week:
– Barbara
Tags: NASPP To Do List, Speaking Proposal Tips
I’m feeling old. So I thought to myself “why should I be the only one to feel old–I write a blog, why not make my readers feel old too?” With that in mind, I’ve created the How Old Are You Game.
How to Play
I’ve listed a number of major events in stock compensation and how long ago they occurred. Give yourself 1 pt for every event you personally experienced during your career in stock compensation.
Event |
How Long Ago |
The Social Security withholding rate was 4.2% and the JOBS Act was enacted (click here if you don’t remember the significance of JOBS, it’s too complicated to explain in this table). |
2 years |
Cost-basis reporting went into effect. |
3 years |
Dodd-Frank was enacted. |
4 years |
The last year that Section 6039 just required a participant statement, not a filing with the IRS. |
5 years |
The SEC adopted a roadmap that would have had companies adopting IFRS this year. |
6 years |
Congress passed the Jobs Creation Act (not to be confused with the JOBS Act) which created Section 409A but also exempted ISOs and ESPPs from FICA and FIT withholding, FAS 123(R) was adopted, and IFRS 2 was issued. |
10 years |
Required EDGAR filing went into effect for Section 16 forms and the NYSE and NASDAQ adopted listing standards requiring shareholder approval of virtually all employee stock plans. |
11 years |
Sarbanes-Oxley was enacted, the IRS issued the first Rev. Rul. on the treatment of stock options transferred pursuant to divorce, and the IRS imposed a moratorium on FICA withholding for ISOs and ESPPs. |
12 years |
FIN 44 and EITF 96-18 were issued. |
14 years |
The IRS issued an FSA requiring FICA withholding on ESPP purchases. |
15 years |
The IRS ruled on the tax treatment of gifted options and the NYSE adopted a rule exempting broad-based stock plans from shareholder approval. |
16 years |
The long-term capital gains rate was reduced from 28% to 20%, Myron Scholes was awarded the Nobel prize for the Black-Scholes model, and FASB dispensed with primary and fully diluted EPS in favor of basic and diluted EPS. |
17 years |
The last ISOs that had to be exercised in sequential order based on grant date expired and the SEC completed the phase-in of EDGAR for all public filings (except Section 16 reports and Form 144). |
18 years |
The original FAS 123 was adopted and T+3 went into effect. |
19 years |
Section 162(m) was enacted. |
21 years |
The SEC significantly expanded the required disclosures relating to executive compensation, forming the basis for the disclosure framework in place today. |
22 years |
The SEC introduced Form 5. |
23 years |
Long term capital gains were last taxed at the same rate as wages. |
24 years |
The SEC adopts Rule 701. |
26 years |
Reg T was amended to allow same-day sale exercises. |
27 years |
Section 280G was enacted and the FASB solicited comments for the first time on APB 25 with a view towards adopting a new accounting standard for stock options. |
30 years |
ISOs became subject to AMT. |
31 years |
Congress created ISOs. |
33 years |
IRS issued a ruling allowing stock-for-stock exercises to be treated as a tax-free exchange of property. |
35 years |
The Black-Scholes model was developed. |
37 years |
APB Opinion No. 25 was adopted. |
38 years |
The FASB was formed. |
41 years |
Congress created “qualified stock options,” the predecessor to ISOs and ESPPs. |
50 years |
The Accounting Principles Board was formed. |
55 years |
The SEC was created. |
80 years |
- 0 Points: You are always the youngest person in any business meeting and look forward to being old enough to drink and rent a car. I used to be your age; enjoy it while you can.
- 1 to 5 Points: You are old enough to know better but still young enough not to care.
- 6 to 20 Points: You are humming the tune to “Much to Young (to Feel This Damn Old)” by Garth Brooks and sort of regret playing this game.
- 21-26 Points: You are Ed Burmeister.
- 27 or More Points: You are reading this from the deck of your seniors’ cruise ship or the golf course (or you are seriously wishing you’d saved a little more for retirement). It is also possible that you are dead.
The Twin Cities chapter of the NASPP hosts Shawna Anderson of Dorsey & Whitney for “Preparing for the 2014 Proxy Season (Part II).” Shawna will survey the current status of recent rule changes and disclosure initiatives, provide a preview of some still pending rulemaking efforts, and provide practical advice on how to prepare your proxy statement and annual report in 2014. (Thursday, February 6, 7:30 AM)
Tags: NASPP chapter meetings