The NASPP Blog

June 7, 2016

The Visual Participant: Stock Plan Infographics

Many estimates point to figures around 65% of the US population being “visual” learners. Perhaps that’s what inspired the old adage “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Certainly when it comes to participant communications, that seems to ring true. In today’s blog I’ll explore how one of my favorite new tools, infographics, can creatively transform our word-heavy stock plans into a visual story. It may very well be that an infographic is also worth a thousand words.

What’s an Infographic?

If I lost you at the word “infographic,” fear not! A quick Google search turned up this definition: “a visual image such as a chart or diagram used to represent information or data.”

Essentially, the most important details are portrayed in a graphic full of pictures and minimal words. Here’s a simple ESPP infographic I found on’s website:


Key details are prominently portrayed in a format that allows the reader to visually absorb the information. Another company, GuideSpark, also used infographics in a video to summarize their ESPP:


I’ve seen quite a few infographics depicting ESPP plan terms, but not so many focused on other award types. Think of the possibilities! Infographics can be a great tool to summarize processes, key plan terms, calculations, and more. A quick list of areas where I think they could be further utilized for stock plans:

  • Award vest/release process (tax elections, withholding, release of shares)
  • Stock option exercise
  • Tax withholding/reporting
  • Explaining performance conditions attached to awards
  • Explaining dividends/dividend equivalents
  • Insider trading guidelines
  • Blackout periods/trading windows
  • ESPP plan
  • Many more!

Do you have a stock plan infographic you’d be willing to share? I’d love to see what other creative stock plan infographics are out there. This can be a very engaging, effective (fun!) way to communicate information without overload.
