July 20, 2016
NASPP To Do List
Quick Survey on Global ESPPs
Take our quick survey on global ESPPs, co-sponsored by Solium. The survey is less than 25 questions; you can complete it in under 15 minutes! Do it today before you forget!
Don’t Miss the Restricted Stock Essentials!
This course covers the core knowledge necessary for successful management of restricted stock plans, including key design, regulatory and administrative considerations. Get the nuts-and-bolts guidance you need in just two webcasts. The course began yesterday but it’s not too late—yesterday’s webcast has been recorded for you to listen to at your convenience. Register today.
Recent Accounting and Regulatory Changes
The FASB, IASB, IRS, and Treasury were busy in June. Check out our most recent alerts:
- IRS Proposes Regulations under Section 409A
- FASB Votes to Change Accounting Treatment of Nonemployee Awards
- IASB Amends IFRS 2
NASPP To Do List
Here’s your NASPP To Do List for the week:
- Take the quick survey on global ESPPs. The deadline to participate is July 29.
- Brush up on the basics of full value awards with our newest online program, Restricted Stock Essentials.
- Take the Question of the Week Challenge.
- Saddle up, cowpoke! The 24th Annual NASPP Conference will be held in Houston from October 24-27. Register by September 9 to save!
- If you aren’t an NASPP member, join today.
- Check out the NASPP’s LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter pages.