November 22, 2016
ASC 718 Gets Even Simpler
It will come as no surprise to any of you that accounting for modifications under ASC 718 is complicated. In the aftermath of the issuance of ASU 2016-09, the FASB has received a number of questions about whether amending a stock plan or award to allow shares to be withheld for more than the minimum statutorily required tax payment would trigger modification accounting under ASC 718. It probably seems crazy to you that we even have to consider this question and I guess it also seemed that way to the FASB, because they’ve issued an exposure draft to amend ASC 718 to clarify that this sort of change isn’t a modification.
ASC 718 currently says that any change whatsoever to an award is considered an modification and goes on to define four types of modifications: probable-to-probable, probable-to-improbable, improbable-to-probable, and improbable-to-improbable. The accounting treatment varies based on which type of modification you are dealing with and for some types of modifications, a new valuation of the award is required even if the value of the award isn’t changed as a result of the modification. Hence, the concern about the amendments relating to share withholding, even though these amendments arguably don’t materially increase the value of an award to the award holder.
So the FASB has proposed an amendment to ASC 718 that would clarify that not every change to the terms and conditions of an award requires modification treatment. Instead, a change to the terms and conditions of an award would require modification treatment only if at least one of the following conditions is met:
- The fair value of the award is changed as a result of the amendment. For purposes of determining if there is a change in fair value, the fair value of the award immediately following the amendment would be compared to the fair value immediately beforehand (rather than to the grant date fair value). Generally, there would be no change in fair value if the amendment does not impact any of the inputs necessary to determine the award fair value.
- The amendment modifies the vesting conditions of the award.
- The amendment causes the classification of the award to change (from equity to liability or vice versa).
Amending a plan or award to allow additional shares to be withhold for taxes would not meet any of the about conditions (provided the share withholding is still limited to the maximum individual tax rate in the applicable jurisdiction) and, thus, under the proposed amendment, there would be no question that this is a modification. Even without the proposed amendment to ASC 718, I believe that many practitioners would not treat this as a modification.
Comments may be submitted on the exposure draft until January 6, 2017. The update would be applied prospectively only, thus the accounting treatment for any prior modifications of awards would not change. The exposure draft does not specify an effective date.
For more information, see the NASPP alert “FASB Proposes Amendments to Modification Accounting under ASC 718.”
– Barbara