May 31, 2017
Scenes from San Diego
Last Wednesday, Elizabeth Dodge of Equity Plan Solutions and I presented to the San Diego NASPP chapter. Here are a few pics from the meeting. More pics on the NASPP’s Facebook page.
Chapter president James Tozer of E*TRADE Financial and Lynn Goldacker of NuVasive wait to check in the meeting attendees. Kudos to James and the rest of the chapter board for hosting a fantastic meeting.
James is also the NASPP’s Regional Representative for the South and is a member of the NASPP’s Executive Advisory Committee.
A few of the early arrivals. The early-bird gets a seat at the table.
Board member Claudia Baranowski of Illumina and Theresa Lee of Qualcomm. Thanks to Claudia for making copies of the slide presentation for everyone.
Board member Thomas Welk of Cooley (and NASPP Individual Achievement Award recipient and member of the Executive Advisory Committee) chats with Ralph Barry of Compensia. The meeting was held at Cooley’s offices; we appreciate the great meeting space.
The folks who got a seat at the table.
In the background, a few folks who didn’t get a seat at the table. It was a great turnout for a 7:30 AM meeting. So great, I think the board might schedule a few more breakfast meetings.
– Barbara