The NASPP Blog

Tag Archives: NASPP chapter meetings

March 24, 2014

NASPP Chapter Meetings

Here’s what’s happening at your local NASPP chapter:

Seattle: Geoff Hammel of ISP Advisors and Lisa Leitner of Outerwall present “Share Ownership Guidelines – How to Handle this Governance Golden Child.” (Monday, March 24, 11:30 AM)

Connecticut: Bruce Brumberg of presents a webinar on “Tax Season Communications: Challenges for Employees and Common Questions.” (Tuesday, March 25, 1:00 PM)

Wisconsin: Bryan Ortwein, of Towers Watson presents on the CEO pay ratio disclosure rules. (Wednesday, March 26, 11:45 AM)

Houston: Shane Tucker and Stephen Jacobson of Vinson & Elkins present “Whoops! Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Equity Compensation Plans (Part II).” (Thursday, March 27, 12:00 PM)

Twin Cities: Jim Sillery of Buck Consultants presents “Executive Compensation Practices and Trends in the Middle Market.” (Thursday, March 27, 7:30 AM)

Boston: Rob Melz of State Street Corporation, Christopher Hall of Global Tax Network, and Jewon Wee of Independent Stock Plan Advisors present on logistics and challenges of administering equity plans for a globally mobile population. (Friday, March 28, 8:30 AM)


March 17, 2014

NASPP Chapter Meetings

Here’s what’s happening at your local NASPP chapter this week:

DC/VA/MD: Sinead Kelly and Alison Wright of Baker McKenzie and Greg Kopp of Hay Group present “Mastering Performance Awards.” (Thursday, March 20, 11:30 AM)

San Fernando Valley: Jennifer George and Brue Shin of PwC present on recent trends and new developments for global employee stock plans. (Thursday, March 20, 11:30 AM)

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


February 24, 2014

NASPP Chapter Meetings

Here’s what’s happening at your local NASPP chapter this week:

San Diego: Takis Makridis and Robert Slaughter of Equity Methods present “The Game has Changed: 10 Things You Want Your Comp Committee to Know BEFORE Grants are Issued.” (Tuesday, February 25, 11:30 AM)

Chicago: Nicole Dmitruchina of EASI presents “The Treatment of Equity Awards Upon Termination.” (Wednesday, February 26, 7:30 AM)

Silicon Valley: Alison Wright of Baker & McKenzie presents “DOMA Decision’s Impact on Equity Compensation.” (Wednesday, February 26, 11:30 AM)

Phoenix: Takis Makridis and Robert Slaughter of Equity Methods present “10 Things You Want Your Comp Committee to Know BEFORE Grants are Issued.” (Thursday, February 27, 11:30 AM)

Boston: Chuong Pham and Kelly Neider of EASI present “The Treatment of Equity Awards Upon Termination.” (Friday, February 28, 8:30 AM)

Las Vegas: Barbara Klementz of Baker & McKenzie presents “Are Your Equity Awards Ready for CHANGE?” (Friday, February 28, 11:30 AM)

Philadelphia: The chapter presents “Mergers, Acquisitions, and Spinoffs, Oh my! ” (Friday, February 28, 8:30 AM)


February 18, 2014

NASPP Chapter Meetings and To Do List

Because yesterday was a holiday, I’m combining the announcement of NASPP chapter meetings for this week with the NASPP To Do List. We’ll return to our regularly scheduled blogs tomorrow.

NASPP Chapter Meetings
Here’s what’s happening at your local NASPP chapter this week:

San Francisco: Barbara Wallace of Oracle, Stacy Fox of, and Marcel Provencher of HP present “Merge, Purge or Scourge? How to Best Handle Assuming Equity Plans.” (Wednesday, February 19, 11:30 AM)

Orange County: Emily Cervino of Fidelity and John Wolff of GuideSpark present “Stock Compensation Goes to Hollywood.” (Thursday, February 20, 11:30 AM)

Atlanta: Valerie Diamond and Nicole Calabro of Baker & McKenzie present “Critical Provisions in Any Equity Grant Agreement – Why They are There and How They Can Hurt (or Help) You.” (Friday, February 21, 11:30 AM)

I’ll be at the San Francisco chapter meeting; I hope to see you there!

Tip #6 for Submitting a Winning Speaking Proposal
Be unique, fresh, and innovative.  We want new and different ideas, not the same old, same old. Also, don’t present your ideas at other venues before the Conference. When we can see that a proposal is slated to be presented at other industry events before the NASPP Conference (and we check for this), we are less likely to accept the proposal. The NASPP Conference is the premier event for stock plan professionals; we didn’t achieve this status by rerunning presentations from other events. 

Once you’ve  presented your topic at the NASPP Conference, you are free to present it wherever else you want, but wait until after the Conference to do so.

NASPP To Do List
Here is your NASPP to do list for this week:

– Barbara

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February 10, 2014

NASPP Chapter Meetings

Here’s what’s happening at your local NASPP chapter this week:

Sacramento: The chapter hosts a presentation titled “The Treatment of Equity Awards Upon Termination.” (Tuesday, February 11, 11:00 AM).

Dallas: J.D. Ivy and Rob Casburn of Alvarez & Marsal Taxand present “What’s Trending in Equity Compensation.” (Wednesday, February 12, 11:00 AM)

Ohio: One meeting; two presentations! David Yang of Frederic W. Cook & Co. and Dan Kapinos of Radford present “Relative TSR Plans: Get Ahead of the Curve” and Mike Palermo of Fidelity Stock Plan Services and Dan Kapinos of Radford present “Walking the Tightrope: Minimizing Expense without Reducing Perceived Value.” (Thursday, February 13, 9:00 AM)


February 3, 2014

NASPP Twin Cities Chapter Meeting

The Twin Cities chapter of the NASPP hosts Shawna Anderson of Dorsey & Whitney for “Preparing for the 2014 Proxy Season (Part II).” Shawna will survey the current status of recent rule changes and disclosure initiatives, provide a preview of some still pending rulemaking efforts, and provide practical advice on how to prepare your proxy statement and annual report in 2014. (Thursday, February 6, 7:30 AM)


January 27, 2014

NASPP Chapter Meetings

Here’s what’s happening at your local NASPP chapter this week:

Seattle: Iveth Durbin of Perkins Coie and Carolyn Harper of Towers Watson present “Preparing for the 2014 Proxy Season: Executive Compensation Highlights.” (Monday, January 27, 11:30 AM)

Houston: Emily Cervino and Jeremy Boraks of Fidelity Investments present “What’s Happening: Hot Topics in Equity Compensation.” (Thursday, January 30, 12:00 noon)

Portland: Danielle Benderly of Perkins Coie and Tracy Bean of Mercer present “Hot Topics for 2014 Proxy Season for Stock Plan Professionals!” (Thursday, January 30, 12:00 noon)
