The NASPP Blog

Tag Archives: NASPP chapter meetings

January 20, 2014

NASPP Chapter Meetings

Here’s what’s happening at your local NASPP chapter this week:

San Fernando Valley: June Anne Burke and Sinead Kelly of Baker & McKenzie highlight recent changes to keep your company’s stock plan in compliance in 2014. (Thursday, January 23, 11:30 AM)

San Francisco: Wendy Davis of Jones Day, Susan Garvin of Stock & Option Solutions, and Lydia Terrill of TIBCO Software present “Proxy Wars: How to Prepare Your Equity Disclosure Tables Without Shedding Any Blood.” (Thursday, January 23, 11:30 AM)

I’ll be at the San Francisco chapter meeting; I hope to see you there!

– Barbara


January 13, 2014

NASPP Chapter Meetings

Here’s what’s happening at your local NASPP chapter this week:

Denver: Michelle Shepston and Jonathan Marks of Davis Graham & Stubbs present “2014 Proxy Season and Executive Compensation Update.” (Tuesday, January 14, 12:00 noon)

Chicago: Brian Wydajewski and Aimee Soodan of Baker & McKenzie present “Key Legal, Regulatory and Market Considerations in Preparing for 2014 International Annual Equity Grants.” (Wednesday, January 15, 7:30 AM)


December 16, 2013

NASPP Chapter Meetings

Just a couple of last NASPP chapter meetings before the holidays:

Ohio: “Year in Review: 2013 Global Equity Updates,” presented by Barbara Klementz of Baker & McKenzie (Monday, December 16, 1:00 PM, webinar only)

Boston: The chapter presents “Compensation Spotlights for 2014,” a discussion of the emerging topics that will affect compensation strategy and administration in the upcoming year. (Friday, December 20, 8:30 AM)


December 9, 2013

NASPP Chapter Meetings

Here’s what’s happening at your local NASPP chapter this week:

Seattle: Learn about stock compensation and get your holiday shopping done at the same time! Emily Cervino of Fidelity Stock Plan Services, Billy Vitense of Starbucks Coffee Company, and John Wolff of GuideSpark present “Stock Compensation Goes to Hollywood” and the chapter hosts a holiday happy hour at Nordstrom (you’ll pass right by fine jewelry on the way to the elevator). (Tuesday, December 10, 2:30 PM)

Orange County: The chapter hosts its annual holiday social; drinks and dinner at the Balboa Yacht Club. (Wednesday, December 11, 5:30 PM)

Silicon Valley: Sinead Kelly, and Denise Glagau of Baker & McKenzie present “Tips, Traps and Techniques for Dealing with Equity Awards when Employment Status Changes.” (Wednesday, December 11, 11:30 AM)

Carolinas: The chapter hosts meetings in Raleigh (Thursday, December 12, 4:30 PM) and Charlotte (Friday, December 13, 3:30 PM). Both meetings will feature an informal, high level conversation about some administrative actions that have accounting implications. After that, you’ll probably need a drink, so the presentations will be followed by a holiday cocktail reception.

Chicago: Don Nemerov and Eric Myszka of Grant Thornton present “Performance-Based Long-Term Incentive Plans–Are They Better Than Stock Options and Restricted Stock?” (Thursday, December 12, 7:30 AM)

Houston: The chapter hosts its annual holiday event, featuring the presentation “So, What is Everyone Else Doing? Results from the Deloitte Global Share Plan Survey,” followed by a holiday social. (Thursday, December 12, 3:00 PM)

Twin Cities: Michael Melbinger of Winston & Strawn will be speaking on current hot topics. His presentation will be followed by the chapter’s annual holiday social. (Thursday, December 12, 3:30 PM)

I’ll be at the Silicon Valley meeting and Kathleen Cleary, the NASPP’s Education Director, will be at the Orange County meeting. We hope to see you there!

– Barbara


December 2, 2013

NASPP Chapter Meetings

Here’s what’s happening at your local NASPP chapter this week:

Kansas/Missouri: The chapter is hosting its annual holiday luncheon at Hereford House Restaurant. Attendees share highlights from National Conferences, plan meetings for 2014, and have a roundtable discussion on topics of interest. (Wednesday, December 4, 11:30 AM)

San Diego: The chapter is hosting it’s annual holiday social and networking lunch at Cozymel’s Mexican Grill. (Wednesday, December 4, 11:30 AM)

Michigan: Gary Hamilton of My Equity Comp presents “6039 Compliance, Tips and Tricks: Filing your 3921 and 3922 Forms the Right Way.” (Thursday, December 5, 2:00 PM, webinar only)

New York/New Jersey: Amy Reina and Sally Pritchard of Deloitte Tax present “So, What Is Everyone Else Doing? Stay Ahead of the Curve in Planning for 2014.” (Thursday, December 5, 8:30 AM).


November 19, 2013

SF Chapter Kicks Off the Holiday Season

The San Francisco NASPP chapter kicked off the holiday season with a “double meeting” and a cocktail party. Here are a few pictures (click the thumbnails to see larger, more in-focus pictures):

One Market

The meeting was held at One Market restaurant in San Francisco.  One Market is consistently rated one of the top 100 restaurants in the bay area by the SF Chronicle and has traditionally been the venue for the chapter’s holiday party, making it an event that members look forward to every year.

Josh and AaronJosh McGinn of AST,
the chapter’s program director, with Aaron Boyd of Equilar. Aaron and Barbara Klementz of Baker & McKenzie presented on clawbacks.

between presentations

The meeting featured two presentations of about 45 minutes each–I loved the fast-paced format.  In this picture, chapter board members mingle with meeting attendees during the break between presentations. Congrats to chapter president Mark Clem of Equity Methods and the rest of the chapter board for hosting a fantastic event.

Daryl and Jon

Daryl Walke of Applied Materials with Jon Burg of Radford. Jon presented with Jeremy Erickson of Orrick on the pay ratio disclosure rules. I learned that statistical sampling is harder than it looks and involves math that I hope I never have to understand.

Cheryl, Max, and Vanessa

Cheryl Claeys of RealNetworks, Max Sternberg of Williams-Sonoma, and Vanessa Iriarte of Clorox chat before the presentations begin.


Attendees enjoy cocktails after the presentation. During the party, everyone had a sticker with a celebrity’s name on their back. Attendees had to try to guess their celebrities by asking questions of their fellow attendees. I was Bob Dylan.

Nandita, David, Sean, and Valerie

Nandita Nandy of Radford, David Howell of Plante Moran, Sean Evans of Radford, and Valerie Diamond of Baker & McKenzie have figured out their celebrities and now discuss the finer points of statistical sampling.


At the end of the evening, all attendees that figured out their celebrities were entered in a raffle for a gift certificate to One Market. Karen Moses of Xoom won the raffle.

See more pictures of the meeting on the NASPP’s Facebook page.

– Barbara


November 18, 2013

NASPP Chapter Meetings

Here’s what’s happening at your local NASPP chapter this week:

New York/New Jersey: UBS and Equity Methods sponsor the presentation “Performance Award Complexities: Tips on Managing Risks in Valuation, HR, and Financial Reporting.” (Wednesday, November 20, 8:30 AM)

Denver: The chapter hosts its 2013 winter member luncheon which will include planning for 2013 and nominations of officers. (Thursday, November 21, noon)

Austin: Jon Doyle of International Law Solutions will lead an interactive discussion on “How to Navigate Problem Countries – Legal and Administrative Nightmares Around the Globe.” (Friday, November 22, 11:30 AM)


November 11, 2013

NASPP Chapter Meetings

Here’s what’s happening at your local NASPP chapter this week:

Sacramento: The chapter presents “2013: A Year in Review.” Bring a toy for Toys for Tots and your registration fee is waived! (Tuesday, September 12, 11:00 AM)

Chicago: Edward Graskamp of Frederic W. Cook & Co., Inc. and Dave Sugar or Aon Hewitt/Radford present on the CEO pay ratio proposed rule. (Wednesday, November 13, 7:30 AM)

San Francisco: The chapter kicks of the holiday season with a double meeting followed by a cocktail party. Jeremy Erickson of Orrick and Jon Burg of Radford present on the CEO pay ratio disclosure requirement and Aaron Boyd of Equilar and Barbara Klementz of Baker & McKenzie present on clawbacks. (Wednesday, November 13, 2:30 PM)

Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley: The chapters host a joint meeting; Kathleen Cleary of the NASPP and I present highlights from the 21st Annual NASPP Conference.  I will be bringing homemade jam to give out as prizes–you don’t want to miss it! (Thursday, November 14, 11:30 AM)

I’ll be at the San Francisco chapter meeting as well as presenting at the LA/San Fernando Valley meeting. I hope to see you there! 

– Barbara


November 4, 2013

NASPP Chapter Meetings

Here’s what’s happening at your local NASPP chapter this week:

Kansas/Missouri: Gary Hamilton of My Equity Comp presents “6039 Compliance, Tips, and Tricks Filing your 3921/3922 Forms The Right Way.” (Wednesday, November 6, 11:00 AM, webinar only)

Silicon Valley: Patricia Boepple of Global Shares and Barrett Scott of Stock & Option Solutions present “Build Your Case: The Keys to Successfully Negotiating Change for Equity Programs in Your Organization.” (Wednesday, November 6, 11:30 AM)

I’ll be at the Silicon Valley meeting; I hope to see you there!

– Barbara
