The NASPP Blog

Tag Archives: NASPP To Do List

May 1, 2013

NASPP To Do List

My Brush With Fame
Last week, the FASB appointed a new chair: Russell Golden, who has served as a FASB member since 2010.  But long before that, back when Elizabeth Dodge and I worked for E*TRADE and Russ worked for Deloitte (we were all a lot younger), he used to advise us on technical accounting issues related to stock compensation. I think this puts me on a first-name basis with someone famous!

NASPP To Do List
Here’s your NASPP “to do” list for this week.

– Barbara

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April 24, 2013

NASPP To Do List

Here’s your NASPP “to do” list for this week.

– Barbara


April 17, 2013

NASPP To Do List

Last Chance to Participate in the 2013 Domestic Stock Plan Design Survey

This is your last chance to participate in the NASPP’s 2013 Domestic Stock Plan Design Survey (co-sponsored by Deloitte). This is the most comprehensive survey on stock plan design–compensation consultants charge more than $1,000 for surveys that include less data and fewer respondents. You’re going to want this data, but you’d better get cracking.  Issuers have to participate to have access to the full survey results and you must complete the survey by this Friday, April 19. We’ve already extended this deadline once, we can’t extend it again!

NASPP “To Do” List

Here’s your NASPP “to do” list for this week.

– Barbara


April 10, 2013

NASPP To Do List

10 Points to Terry Adamson of Radford

Terry Adamson of Radford gets 10 points for answering my “think fast” challenge on two times when the Black-Scholes value is not significantly higher than intrinsic value (“Realizable Pay,” April 2, 2013).  Terry’s answers:

  1. When there is a significant dividend yield, then Black-Scholes will be less than intrinsic value. 
  2. When an option is well “in-the-money”, then Black-Scholes would be very close to the intrinsic value (i.e., the time value shrinks to nothing with options that are well in the money).

Also, when an options is close to expiring it has very little time value, so the Black-Scholes value would not be much higher than intrinsic value.  Hmmm, I think this might show up in the Question of the Week Challenge soon.

Survey Deadline Extended

We’ve extended the deadline to participate in the NASPP’s 2013 Domestic Stock Plan Design Survey (co-sponsored by Deloitte). Don’t dilly dally; we can’t extend the deadline again. 

NASPP “To Do” List

Here’s your NASPP “to do” list for this week.

– Barbara

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April 3, 2013

NASPP To Do List

Last Chance to Participate in the 2013 Domestic Stock Plan Design Survey

This is your last chance to participate in the NASPP’s 2013 Domestic Stock Plan Design Survey (co-sponsored by Deloitte). This is the most comprehensive survey on stock plan design–compensation consultants charge more than $1,000 for surveys that include less data and fewer respondents. You’re going to want this data, but you’d better get cracking.  Issuers have to participate to have access to the full survey results and you must complete the survey by this Friday, April 5–no exceptions!


NASPP “To Do” List

Here’s your NASPP “to do” list for this week.

– Barbara


March 27, 2013

NASPP To Do List

NASPP “To Do” List

Here’s your NASPP “to do” list for this week.

– Barbara


March 20, 2013

NASPP To Do List

NASPP “To Do” List

Here’s your NASPP “to do” list for this week.

– Barbara


March 13, 2013

NASPP To Do List

Hot or Not?
Give us your feedback on topics for the NASPP Conference; play the “Hot or Not?” game, in yesterday’s blog.

2013 Domestic Stock Plan Design Survey
This is the industry’s most comprehensive survey on stock plan design.  Make sure you have access to the results; register to participate today.  Don’t put it off, the survey is only open through April 5. 

New Compliance-O-Meter
We’ve posted a new Compliance-O-Meter on Vendor Management.

Results Posted
We’ve posted the results of our quick survey on globally mobile employees.

My New Intern
We have a pretty small staff here at the NASPP and everyone has to pitch in.  In the pics below, you can see my cat, Kaylee, looking up a few article cites for me in the back issues of The Corporate Executive (click the thumbnail to see the full picture): 

Kaylee and TSOs162m.JPG

NASPP “To Do” List

Here’s your full NASPP “to do” list for this week.

– Barbara

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March 6, 2013

NASPP To Do List

Early-Bird Registration

Early-bird registration for the 21st Annual NASPP Conference ends this Friday, March 8. This deadline will not be extended. Don’t pay more than you have to for the Conference–register today.

Opportunity is Knocking

We have close to 30 job postings in the new NASPP Career Center. Check it out today.

Here’s the rest of your NASPP “To Do List” for the week:

NASPP “To Do” List
We have so much going on here at the NASPP that it can be hard to keep track of it all, so we keep an ongoing “to do” list for you here in our blog. 

– Barbara


February 27, 2013

NASPP To Do List

Important 21st Annual NASPP Conference Deadlines

  • Speaking Proposals NASPP Conference speaking proposals are due this Friday, by March 1. We view this as a test: if you can’t get your speaking proposals in on time, you also probably aren’t going to be able to get your presentation materials in on time.  
  • Early-Bird Registration: For those of you that are not hoping to speak at the Conference, the deadline for early-bird registration ends a week from Friday, on March 8. This deadline also will not be extended. Don’t pay more than you have to for the Conference; register by March 8.

Here’s the rest of your NASPP “To Do List” for the week:

NASPP “To Do” List
We have so much going on here at the NASPP that it can be hard to keep track of it all, so we keep an ongoing “to do” list for you here in our blog. 

– Barbara
