The NASPP Blog

Monthly Archives: February 2015

February 9, 2015

NASPP Chapter Meetings

Here’s what’s happening at your local NASPP chapter this week:

Austin: Tony Eppert of Winstead  presents “Preparing for the 2015 Proxy Season.” (Tuesday, February 10, 11:30 AM)

Dallas: Takis Makridis and Robert Slaughter of Equity Methods present “What to Expect in 2015 in Stock Compensation.” (Wednesday, February 11, 11:00 AM)

DC/VA/MD: Amy Flynn and Peter Simeonidis of Deloitte Tax present “MOBILITY: Taxability, Traceability, Payroll-ability, Survivability.” (Thursday, February 12, 4:00 PM)

Portland: Danielle Benderly of Perkins Coie and Tracy Bean of Mercer present “Hot Topics for 2015 Proxy Season for Stock Plan Professionals.” (Thursday, February 12, 4:00 PM)


February 5, 2015

It Takes a Village to Administer a Global Stock Plan

Most of us who work in and around stock compensation have figured out by now that it takes a village to pull this off. By “this”, I mean successful administration of an equity plan – including compliance with tax, securities and other regulatory reporting/disclosures/requirements, interacting with and educating participants, recordkeeping, policy adherence and at least a dozen other things that I didn’t list. While we may have figured out that we can’t shoulder the responsibility alone, there are varied amounts of leverage available to help get the job done. Add in a global element – meaning issuing equity to participants outside of the U.S., and the complexity magnifies. In today’s blog, I explore the village needed to really stay on top of your global stock plan.

Data Doesn’t Lie

In the 2012 Global Equity Incentives Survey, co-sponsored by the NASPP and PwC, 78% of survey participants said that compliance is the most challenging issue in administering a global equity plan.

In the NASPP’s 2014 Domestic Stock Plan Administration Survey, co-sponsored by Deloitte, 74% of participants have either zero (0) or one (1) full time person dedicated to administering the company’s stock plans. Also surveyed were the quantity of part time personnel who performed stock plan duties part time, with those numbers spread across the board. There did appear to be a correlation between number of personnel and the size of the participant population with outstanding equity awards. The more participants, the more in-house personnel. That makes sense.

71% of respondents working for a public issuer reported outsourcing all or part of their equity plan administration, with 40% reporting they outsource 75% or more of their plan duties.

While the staffing and outsourcing data doesn’t dissect global versus domestic participants (though the survey is titled “domestic”), it can be largely assumed that many companies have at least some global participants (not all, but many).

The Village

We’ve figured out by now that administering a global equity plan is not a one-person job. Even if one person is tasked primarily with responsibility for the plan’s administration (such as the stock plan administrator or stock plan manager), that person likely oversees a number of other in-house and external resources that touch the company’s stock plans.

Given that the biggest issue in administering a global stock plan is compliance (no surprise there), the question then turns to how to use the “village” to succeed in compliance. When I think of a global stock plan village, I think of the following key components:

  • In house person overseeing equity programs
  • In house interested parties (like finance, accounting, treasury, payroll, human resources)
  • External legal and tax advisers who have specialized knowledge about tax, legal and securities regulations in places where the company has participants
  • First line resources (not necessarily advisers, but sources of information about new or emerging issues in the jurisdictions where the company has stock plan participants). These include things like the NASPP’s Global Stock Plan Portal.
  • Local contacts in foreign jurisdictions (e.g. local human resources personnel)
  • Service providers who offer recordkeeping, mobility, education, plan design or other services
  • Compensation consultants
  • I am sure there are others that you will write me about if I’ve missed them; the point is that it takes a lot of moving parts


Even with the village in place, the person tasked with oversight of the equity plans needs a constant and fresh supply of information on global practices and changes relevant to them. This is not in lieu of the village, this is part of the village. Some companies rely solely on local jurisdictions to let them know about regulatory changes. While local contacts are a helpful resource, they should not be the only resource. It’s important that the person tasked with oversight of the equity plans maintains just that – oversight. And that includes proactive awareness of jurisdictional changes.

Expanding the Village

I want to highlight a few resources to add to your village that are already available to you as part of your NASPP membership. Again, these are no replacement for the necessary parties to your own global village. However, they are front line sources designed to help you achieve what the majority describes as the most challenging issue – compliance.

Before I list the resources, it’s quiz time! Pop Quiz: Which 3 countries have the MOST subscribers to NASPP Alerts (updates on country specific developments)?

A. United Kingdom, Canada, Germany

B. China, United Kingdom, France

C. China, France, Japan

D. United Kingdom, France, Bermuda

The answer is at the bottom.

I threw that question in to introduce the first resource: NASPP Alerts. If you’re missing out on NASPP Alerts, you’re – well, missing out. Did you know your NASPP membership includes the ability to select which countries you’d like to receive updates about? It’s a simple as a check box. When something new is posted for a country that you’ve subscribed to, you will get an email. Right now you can get alerts for up to 69 countries. I’ll make it even simpler – to set your alerts, go here.

The second resource is the NASPP’s Country Guides, also available in the Global Stock Plans portal. If you look on the left side of the page, there are country-specific guides for 34 different countries. These are authored by local practitioners (the Canada Guide is authored by a law firm in Canada, the Japan Guide was prepared by lawyers in Japan, and so on). Several of these guides have been updated within the last 12 months. The Guides are not designed to replace your advisers, but rather to complement that relationship. They are perfect for the moment when you are sitting in a meeting and someone says “we are acquiring stock plan participants in Argentina next week” and you suddenly need to know the stock plan lay of the land in Argentina before you can have a full discussion with your advisers. Each Guide covers the basic tax, regulatory and securities considerations in the jurisdiction.

Finally, if you have a global related question, post it to our Global Stock Plans Discussion Forum (different from the general Q&A forum). The questions in the Global forum are answered by our Global Task Force members, who specialize in various aspects of global equity plans.

Some of you are already plugged into these resources, but for the rest that may not have discovered them yet – take a moment to check them out. After all, adding more to your village may help ease the compliance challenges.


Answer to pop quix: A – United Kingdom, Canada, Germany (in that order)

February 4, 2015

NASPP To Do List

$50 for Your Thoughts!
The NASPP is redesigning our website and we want your feedback.  Take a moment to complete our short survey (less than 15 minutes) and you’ll be entered in a raffle for one of ten $50 gift cards.

Equity Expert Podcast on ISS’s New Scorecard
Do you need to understand ISS’s new Equity Plan Scorecard but don’t have time to read a bunch of memos on it?  Check out the latest installment in the NASPP’s Equity Expert podcast series, featuring Doreen Lilienfeld of Shearman & Sterling on the EPSC.

The NASPP Is Hiring
The NASPP is currently looking for a motivated, enthusiastic self-starter to join our team as our Programs Director.  This is a full-time, salaried position. Check out our job listing in the NASPP’s Career Center.

To Do List
Here is your NASPP to do list for this week:

– Barbara

February 3, 2015

Grab Bag

It’s been a while since I posted a stock compensation grab bag. Here are a few recent developments that don’t warrant their own entry but are still worth knowing about.

HSR Filing Thresholds

Good news: now executives can acquire even more stock! Under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act, executives that acquire company stock in excess of specified thresholds are required to file reports with the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice.  The thresholds at which these reports are required have increased for 2015.  See the memo we posted from Morrison & Foerster for the new thresholds, which are effective as of February 20, 2015.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, check out our handy HSR Act Portal.

Final FATCA Regs

The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) requires employees to report any overseas accounts that hold specified foreign financial assets, which could be interpreted to include stock awards issued by non-US corporations. The assets (stock awards, for our purposes) are reported on IRS Form 8938 (“Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets”), which is filed with the annual tax return. Final FATCA regulations, released in December 2014, clarify that unvested awards, do not need to be reported on Form 8938 until they have “substantially vested” (except in the case of a Section 83(b) election).

Dodd-Frank Rulemaking Update

The SEC has pushed back its agenda of rulemaking projects under the Dodd-Frank Act.  The proposed rules for clawback requirements, disclosure of hedging policies, and pay-for-performance disclosures and the final rules for the CEO pay ratio disclosure have been pushed back to October 2015 (just in the time for the 23rd Annual NASPP Conference).  This is despite comments from SEC Chair Mary Joe White last fall that the SEC was pushing to issue the final CEO pay ratio rules by the end of year.  That’s a big delay—from the end of 2014 to October 2015—especially given the pressure on the SEC to issue these rules.

Section 83(b) Election Update

When making a Section 83(b) election, employees are required to include a copy of the election with their tax return for the year in which the election is made.  In PLR 201438006, the IRS ruled that a Section 83(b) election was valid even though the taxpayer failed to attach a copy of the election to his Form 1040. If the failure had invalidated the election, employees could effectively revoke the election by “forgetting” to include it with their tax return—and, as we all know, Section 83(b) elections are irrevocable once the deadline to file them has elapsed.

– Barbara

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February 2, 2015

NASPP Chapter Meetings

Here’s what’s happening at your local NASPP chapter this week:

Chicago: Reid Pearson of Alliance Advisors and Edward Hauder of Exequity present “Corporate Governance, Compensation and Shareholder Engagement Developments: What You Need to Know for the 2015 Proxy Season” at a special luncheon meeting.  (Tuesday, February 3, noon)

Boston: Terry Adamson of Aon Hewitt and Matt Roberts of Fidelity Stock Plan Services present “The Next Big Thing: Holding (x2) Restricted Stock.” (Wednesday, February 4, 9:00 AM)

Atlanta: Daniel Kapinos and Harrison Celone of Radford Valuation Services present “Who Doesn’t Love a Discount? Accounting Discounts for Holding Restrictions.” (Thursday, February 5, 2:00 PM)

Twin Cities: Daniel Coleman and Chris Fischer of Aon Hewitt present “Post-Vest Holding Periods: The Intersection of Corporate Governance, Plan Design, and Financial Accounting.” (Thursday, February 5, 8:00 AM)
